What I was talking about in Austin, Texas…

I’m in Austin and already on the first evening (an hour after arrival…) I got to meet a couple of the austinites, active in the eco-movement, who will be attending the SXSW ECO-conference this week. Since I’ll be meeting a lot of people, in different sectors, I made a mixed (but very large…) presentation of Örebro and of the work we do (parts of the presentation is for download further down). Together with the amazing film about Rynningeviken, the transformation of an old dump and wasteland to a fantastic nature reserve, that would be my main messages during my days in Austin. If you haven’t seen the film about Rynningeviken, you have to do that: The amazing transformation of Rynningeviken

I’m pretty sure I woun’t be able to show the presentation that many times, since it will be very few organized long meetings with agendas and presentations, but I’m also sure that there might be of some interest to read a bit more about what Örebro is doing, and that’s why I’m presenting the presentation, including a lot of areas, here. (And for the swedes reading this, I will write in swedish soon…/Jag skriver snart på svenska…)

Please download and share if you want to!

If you want to download via dropbox, here’s a folder with all the presentations

And If it’s easier to download the presentations via Slideshare

The presentation consists of:

  1. Introduction to Örebro – where everything is possible…
  2. The work for Nature for all, nature-tourism and biological diversity in our Nature Reserves (including extensive notes about Rynningeviken) (if you just wanna download this part, this is the link:  Introduction Örebro and nature reserves)
  3. Citybuses on biogas since 2009
  4. High energy standards and efficiency in energy use (the housing company ÖBO as a shining example) (if you just wanna download this part, this is the link: Örebro energy efficiency and clean energy )
  5. The climate plan and to increase the use of renewable electricity
  6. Cycling in Örebro and the work to decrease car-transports (if you just wanna download this part, this is the link: Örebro climate plan and traffic)

Other documents, related to the presentations:

Here’s an indepth-memo about how ÖBO (the housing company) works with energy efficiency

Here’s a Factsheet about the Climate Strategy Örebro

Here’s a Factsheet about the investment in Biogas

Here’s the yearly ”Cycling_account” (large file)

Fact-sheet about the project ”healthy_cyclist”

2 reaktioner på ”What I was talking about in Austin, Texas…”

  1. Bjorn, great to meet you when we were in line at South by Southwest Eco! Hello to everyone in Orebro. I enjoyed visiting your page and seeing the work you are doing. Our website has more info on some of the natural resources and outdoor recreation in the state of Texas.

    1. Thank you, Eddie! Nice to see you too! I will dig down into your webbpage – I immidiately realized that your websites are more attractive than ours, will dig into that too…

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